Check your level of English and get a certificate and feedback on your English level and ability.

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Argot English Test

Take the Argot English Assessment Test to find out your level. Get a certificate after you finish the test.

A: Jane is bad at ....... I think Joe should type our group assignment. He is fast. B: We can't make him ...... it                 because he said before he wouldn't do it.

Linda will invite ___ her neighbors over for dinner. She thinks there will be more than fifteen people.

He wrote hundreds of poems, but he published  _______ them.

The little girl can hear us,......?

A: You have promised ...... here on time, but you are late again. B: Sorry. I tried ...... even earlier, but there was             too much traffic.

A: Have you finished ...... your room? B: Yes. I tidied It early in the morning ...... more time for my studies.

Which sentence is NOT correct?

Neither my uncle ___ my aunt could come to the party.

Simon and Emma ____ going to get married.

Which sentence is correct?

Which sentence is NOT correct?

Which sentence is NOT correct?

Which question is correct?

Which sentence is NOT correct?

Argentina, ________ is well-known for its mountains, is a very popular with ski-tourists.

Choose the correct option.

Most observers predict the bill won't see _________ light of day until at least January.

There were about five hundred _________ so loads to transport.

If I had known you were coming _____.

You won't forget to email those files, _______?

Can you tell me when ________ leaving?

We’ll finish this project soon. It won’t take ________ time.

Nothing happened at the meeting, ________ it?

I don't think he __________ ready on time.

He told her that...


Check your level of English and get a certificate and feedback on your English level and ability.

Business Meetings

English Beginner (A1)

Take the Argot English Beginner Test to check your progress. Get a certificate for passing the level.

She has got lots of books in her bookcase, and she has read _______ them.

 ___ the eleven footballers in the team were happy about the final score ___ of them were sad.

This is a good film, ......?

There are two slices of cake left on the plate. I'll  eat _______ them. You can have them.

A: .............have  you been here? B: For an hour.  A: You are waiting for someone, ...... ? B: No, I'm not.

A: ...... I B: Yes, I am.

 Let's continue ....... We are almost there. Would you like ...... some water?

A: ...... ? B: No, I don't.

A: How did he manage ...... the prison? B: I don't know, but obviously he really hated ...... there.

Kyle has tried many shoes on for the last two hours, but _______ of them fit him.

A: There are four radios in the attic. B: Yes, but ___ of them work. They are ___ broken.

 A: ...... can solve this problem? B: Bob.

_______ the apples in the basket are rotten, so I can use _______ them for the pie.

A: Let's eat out tonight,.......? B: You got your paycheque today,........? A: You are right.

A: ...... emails have we received from customers? B: Fifty-nine

A: Bob is too inexperienced ...... that Job. B: But he still hopes ...... it.

A: ...... ? B: Mexico.

A: ...... ? B: No, I haven't

 Hans and Klaus are from Germany, and ____ them are from the city of Frankfurt.

A: ...... ? B: No, you haven't.

A: ...... caused the accident? B: I don't know. It
wasn't serious, ......?

A: Are _______ the cupboards empty? B: No, Only the one on the left is empty. There are plates inside the                 other one.

A: Jane is bad at ....... I think Joe should type our group assignment. He is fast. B: We can't make him ...... it                 because he said before he wouldn't do it.

A: You have promised ...... here on time, but you are late again. B: Sorry. I tried ...... even earlier, but there was             too much traffic.

Ryan bought two blankets yesterday and he has already washed ___ them.


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