Why Argot!

Why Argot? As language learners and teachers, we get it! There are many ways to learn a language. Which is the most effective method? Studies show individual learning styles and motivation vary widely.

Why Argot? We focus on getting you talking with our AI-driven software. Learn all the language skills and practice by speaking.


Argot - Learn a new language today

Talk to AI Language Buddies

Learn English through live speaking situational dialogues with AI Buddies

AI Language Tutor

Real-time Support from AI Tutors

Let our AI tutors listen to you and give you tips and advice to improve your speaking skills.

Argot Method

Inhouse Methodology

Language learning framework developed by in-house education experts


Hello ARGOT!

Why ARGOT? Argot is a breakthrough language learning method using AI. Learn to read, write, listen and speak on the ARGOT app. ARGOT helps you progress through fun, interactive learning challenges. Challenge yourself in dialogues and improve. Learning is fun! Earn points, track progress, climb the ladder, get rewards.

Learn English with ARGOT

No Stress! AI Dialog Practice

Are you tired of pairing up with language partners who always seem too fluent for you? ARGOT uses provides realistic language situations which without the performance stress.

Language Tips

Get Timely Relevant Language Tips

Know that feeling when you can’t remember the language from the lesson you studied yesterday. ARGOT tutors store and recycle language until you have mastered it.

AI Language Tutor

Buddies at the same level

Are you tired of pairing up with language partners who always seem too fluent for you? ARGOT uses AI to match it with language situations that allow it to shine.

Live Dialogs

Frustrated by language learning apps which are all point and click? With ARGOT dialogs in every utit, you can be confident in what you say not just what you hear.

Social and Business

Social and Business Content

ARGOT language situations offer an ever-growing corpus of typical speaking situations in social and business contexts for multiple languages.

Access Anywhere

Access Anywhere

Learn the way you want. Keep ARGOT in your mobile or find a school or business which uses the ARGOT system for language learning.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is ARGOT?

ARGOT is a breakthrough approach to learning any language though live situational dialogs. Practice speaking with an AI Buddy and get realtime feedback from your AI Tutor.

What makes ARGOT different and better?

ARGOT allows you to speak and listen in real situational dialogues. By speaking and responding to your AI partner, you will be more confident, productive, and able to recall more vocabulary in a shorter amount of time.

How does an AI Tutor help me learn?

ARGOT is built with a proprietary ‘listening in’ algorithm which you control. Turn it on and the Tutor will follow you and keep a record of your progress. With hints and suggestions, you will be able to improve your speaking, and listening. Your AI Tutor will also suggest extra reading and writing exercises to reinforce your learning.

How do I start?

Pre-register here today and we will be in touch to issue you as a VIP. As soon as we launch the platform, you can start learning by speaking.

Why Argot?


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